Thoughts on the Orlando Massacre

In the early hours of Sunday 12/5/16, Omar Mateen, massacred 49 gay people and injured another 50 or so at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando. It started off being portrayed as ISIS style terrorism, whilst others argue that it is clearly Homophobia. I have my own thoughts on the events and what has followed.

I am reading that he used to hang out with gay people and people that knew him are saying that he was not homophobic back then. The news has just said that he used Gay Apps. He has a father who says that Homosexuality is a sin, punnishable by God. We learn that he got married but was full of anger, ending up splitting up with his wife and the indication was that he was in meltdown mentally. Despite being investigated repeatedly for connections with ISIS, due to peoples concerns about him, no connections it seems were found and then some time after seeing two guys kissing, it is said that he eventually went on the rampage, killing and injuring the people in the club and saying that he was doing it for team ISIS at the last minute (and of course they would claim that it was their “victory” after the event). Rather than homophobic hatred, it seems to me that this may actually be the most horrific case of denial ever seen, something which it seems religion may be profoundly implicated in.  Look, I can’t be gay, I am part of ISIS and I just murdered all these gay people.

The events unsurprisingly are being used by the likes of Trump in the US and Brexit, the leave the European Union campaign in the UK as an excuse to back their Anti Islamic sentiment via calls for Immigration Control, on account of how dangerous they say they are as potential terrorists. Their concern seems only to jump on the Anti Islamic bandwagon, not to look at either Gun Control or at Homophobia, on which they seem to be silent, as Owen Jones saw in his Sky News interview.

Meanwhile, the Liutenant Governor of Texas tweeted from the bible immediately after the massacre – “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” and a number of other disgusting individuals who claim to be Christians are also applauding the events with comments such as the following:-

“I wake up to some dude shooting up a gay night club. Isn’t that weird. Homosexuality is condemned by God, so that’s why he let that happen ppl.”

“God opened His armoury to deal with proud fag america”

“That is the right target for such shootings. Gays should be shot for disrespecting the natural order”

“The shooter is my hero, the cops should be sued for killing a hero, who has done social justice . . . . Homosexuality is a great sin against God and every natural human law, let those who knows please buy guns and kill off any, lesbian, transgender and their likes . . . . may the soul of the shooter rest in perfect peace, amen . . . . . and fyi I am a Christian”

“This was Gods hand and he will pluck them away one by one”

“Sinners being taken out by sin”

Strangely I do not see them condemning, or advocating the killing of those who engage in other acts that the bible deems to be abominations, there are many of them. They have chosen too, not to pursue things which are permitted within the bible such as the taking of slaves, or the marrying of your rape victims, or prisoners of war. Their comments appear to reflect pure hatred rather than the love and acceptance that God is meant to have advocated. Given such glaring contradictions, maybe it is time for ALL religions to deal once and for all, with their issues with homosexuality.

It is often asked why Muslims do not stand against acts of terrorism when they take place – Blaming all for the actions of a handful of fundamentalists. Well why don’t Christians do the same in relation to the sick Homophobia and Transphobia that we regularly see spouted by Christian Fundamentalists? If mainstream Muslims are either part of the solution, or part of the problem in terms of terrorism or homophobia, why not mainstream Christians?

Omar Mateens father clearly did not agree with Homosexuality, but he said it is for God to Judge and whether you believe in God or not, it works. If there is no God, there is no judgement, but if there is a God and judgement is left to him, well personally I do not believe that he would pass judgement on homosexuality anyway. When there is murder, rape, domestic violence, child abuse, robbery, assault and the rest, is God really going to focus his wrath on people who are attracted to people who simply have the same ‘bits’ as themselves? Particularly when, if he or she exists, he also created people with Intersex Conditions, a range of conditions where peoples insides and outsides do not necessarily match. The bits someone has, are not always the defining factor. Surely focussing only on the wrapping paper and not on the insides, who the person is, would in other circumstances be considered shallow, skin deep. How come God has never wreaked his wrath on paedophiles, rapists or murderers, causing some catastrophy on the Lifers wing of a prison for example and we might also ask what sin has been committed by every person that dies in countries beset by drought or famine conditions. Strange don’t you think? Is this really a result of sin?

There is a saying – What if God hates those who claim to know what God hates? Maybe the way that people respond to homosexuals and transexuals is a test set by God, when he is meant to have said that people were made in his image and that we should love. A test to see if people respond with the love and compassion that he is meant to have preached.

If it is a test. Some so called ‘Christians’ are failing miserably.


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